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Site Evaluation

For my site evaluation, I presented a case on bacterial conjunctivitis, Herpes labialis, and acute cholecystitis. My site evaluations forced me to think of more differential diagnoses for seemingly simple complaints that present at urgent care. It also encouraged me to formulate very complete treatment plans, including medication regimens, follow up care, and strict return precautions. One site evaluation was one on one, while the other was a group site visit. During the group site visit, I was able to see the strengths of my classmates’ HPIs, including having a lot of pertinent positive and negatives to rule out certain differentials. The site evaluator also questioned and strengthened my knowledge of which antibiotics cover for which organisms, which helps me better understand why certain antibiotics are selected to treat certain bacterial infections. I will make sure to always include systemic symptoms in the HPI, even if it is a simple dermatologic complaint. Overall, these site visits were very informative and refreshing, as we were given credit for our strengths but also received constructive criticism on how to be better.